Project Creation


This chapter expects you have already successfully setup the coreui-admin script (see script setup) and build the QtAuto components (see QtAuto setup).

You can create a new project using the new command.

coreui-admin new myproject

This will by default create a new project in the myproject folder using the qtauto-process template using Qt application manager. To change the template you can provide a --template option, but currently only the appman template is supported.

To launch your newly created project you can use

coreui-admin start

It will launch the appman from your given Qt SDK with the correct setup.


To see all options please use coreui-admin new --help

QtAuto Process UI

To create a new multi-process project you can use the new command with the --template appman option.

coreui-admin new multi-ui --template appman

This will create a new user interface project which has support for the Qt ApplicationManager built-in.

System UI

The System UI which acts as the desktop-like user interface in which other applications can be shown and contains a status bar to present system-wide information, it also manages any other overlays which do not directly belong to the applications. All other information is part of the individual applications. The SystemUI is started by launching the "SystemUI.qml" document in the sui folder or the Main.qml document in the root folder of your project.


The SystemUI is launched by default when working with the QtCreator project. The SystemUI was also registered as the start script by the new project generator and can be launched using the start option of coreui-admin: coreui-admin start.

Application UI

An application is contained inside a apps folder and has its own Application.qml document. It is registered with the SystemUI and added to the launcher menu of the SystemUI.

The newly created project can be launched using

coreui-admin start

The start script invokes the appman executable form your QAuto installation and reads the generated am-config.yaml document in the project which provides all startup information to the application manager.


The Qt Application manager requires a Wayland window manager to run in multi-process mode, which is often only available on Linux and the target HW.

To allow the development of other hosts (e.g. Mac/Windows) the application manager has a single-process model that is automatically invoked on these environments. Please consult the Qt Application Manager documented for more information.